Love reading translated comics and manga? We have something coming up for you! 😃 Check it out →

Translate Product Images in 30 Seconds

Reach global audience by instantly translating your advertisements into multiple languages

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Product image tranlsated from English to Chinese, Dutch, French, Arabic

Populer di kalangan pedagang di seluruh

Image Translation clients

Bagaimana itu bekerja

With ImageTranslate, translate all your product assets and marketing materials in under 30 seconds

1. Unggah

2. Pilih bahasa

3. Terjemahkan

Grow your business worldwide with seamless image localization.

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Why choose ImageTranslate over traditional tools?

ImageTranslate supports:

Semua format file standar

JPG, PNG, BMP, dan PDF yang Dipindai

40 bahasa

Di Asia, Eropa, dan Timur Tengah

Konversi batch

Tangani volume besar dan optimalkan tugas berulang

Banyak kontrol, Satu alat

Kekuatan otomatisasi dengan kebebasan kontrol

Pengenalan Karakter Optik

Mengenali dan mengekstrak teks dari bagian gambar yang berbeda

ocr image text

Penghapusan teks asli

Secara otomatis menghapus teks asli yang menjaga sekeliling gambar.

ocr text from image and remove it

AI Translation

Instantly translates recognized text using AI Translation into 40 different languages.

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Prediksi font, warna & ukuran

Menerapkan pemformatan yang sama yang ditemukan dalam teks asli ke teks terjemahan.

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Manajemen proyek

Mengelola status gambar dalam proyek di seluruh bahasa yang dipilih.

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Keliling dunia

Pengguna dan perusahaan dari 120+ negara menggunakan ImageTranslate setiap hari

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Dicintai oleh pengguna kami

We recently launched our store on Amazon and ImageTranslate helped localising all our product images perfectly.
Tom, Amazon seller
My dropshipping store need a solution like ImageTranslate to list the products imported from China. With Chinese to English translation of product images I can list new products in no time
Ritesh, Catalogue Manager
This is a very helpful tool for translating manuals for chinese products which I buy from aliexpress.
Pawan Agarwal, Seller
Not just product images, we are able to localise the ads we run accross platforms using ImageTranslate. This helps us in expanding the global reach our our products
Matthias, Marketer

Ada rencana untuk semua orang!

ImageTranslate let's you easily translate product images, comics, scanned documents, PDFs, screenshots, advertisements, infographics, drawings and other images. Go from any source language to 40+ target languages. Batch mode is also available. We support PNG, JPG, BMP and other raster formats.