Yandex Image Translate Alternatives

Images have become an essential way of communication. Images are not just limited to the digital world, they are also used a lot for things like advertising in the physical world. Just as with any other mode of communication, Images with text have to be translated for better understanding.

Yandex Image Translate has been the leading image translator in the market. It has showcased its capabilities on many occasions and delivered brilliant results for instantly translating images. Nonetheless, there may be instances when you require an alternative solution or want to use a different tool for image translation. This blog will examine some of the leading alternatives to Yandex Image Translate and evaluate their features and capabilities.

Yandex Picture Translate Alternatives


This tool is the best alternative to Yandex Picture Translate. It not only translates the text in an image like Yandex does, but it also recreates the image itself in a different language.

ImageTranslate Editor

Plus, it has features like typesetting that allow users to edit translated text, font size, color, style, and alignment. With support for over 40 languages and the ability to translate images in batches, ImageTranslate is a convenient and powerful tool.

Here's an example of ImageTranslate's picture translation output. Notice how it translated image text from English to Spanish and retained the visual element of the image.

DeepL File Translate

Another popular tool for automated translation is DeepL. It can translate text in the image via the DeepL mobile app, but it only provides the translation of the text. Another workaround for translating an image with DeepL is to convert the image file into PDF format & use DeepL file translate to get it translated.

Here’s an example of how DeepL File Translate works. (DeepL didn't really work that great for our sample picture. This workaround works, but misses sometimes)

Google Picture Translate

Google Translate is a fierce competitor to Yandex Image Translate. More because of the similarities they have. Both are search engines & both offer translation of images. One advantage Yandex has over google is that on Yandex you can translate an image on the website itself, whereas Google picture translation is limited to Google Translate & Google lens mobile app or its integration with other Google products such as the chrome browser.

Although Google image translate doesn’t recreate the same image in a different language as ImageTranslate & Yandex does, it gives you a translation of the text in the image. Here’s an example of Google Image Translation.

Google Picture Translate output 


So these are some of the best alternatives for Yandex Image Translate. We have compared all these 4 image translation tools before in our earlier blog which is the Best Picture Translation tool online. You can check that out to get more insights about the picture translators.

Try out ImageTranslate for Free, Visit: