Advertisement Translation: How to Translate Advertisement into Different Languages.

Advertisement Translation: How to Translate Advertisement into Different Languages.
How to translate advertisements instantly?

Advertisements convey a brand’s message to the customer. As globalization is picking up pace brands are reaching out to customers in every corner of the world. Brands use different types of advertisements to engage with customers, such as video ads, radio messages, and display ads.

To engage better with customers, it is important the advertisements are localized into the local vernacular. As it makes the brand's narrative clear & more easy to understand. When it comes to video advertisements, businesses are creating video ads to connect to customers on a more personal level using social media platforms. These ads are much more targeted, based on likes and followings of customers on social media. Display advertisements that use images, graphics, and text provide extra information about the brand & the product to the target audience, assisting them in making a purchase decision.

There are many Advertisement Translation Guides that can assist you in the translation process. While going through the guides, we are sure you'll find out that creating the same ads in a different language. Manual Advertisement translation requires a lot of time and effort.

How about you can translate advertisements automatically? without the skills of graphic design or translation, that too in under 30 seconds. Sounds great right? We’ll tell you how you can translate advertisements instantly. Just follow the 3 simple steps.

How to translate advertisements into different languages.

Step 1: Go over to & signup/login

Visit ImageTranslate & Login/Sign up

Step 2: Create a new project, and upload the advertisement which needs to be translated to different languages.

Create a new project & Upload the picture

Step 3: Choose the source language (The language in which the advertisement already is) & target language (The language in which you want the advertisement to be translated).

Choose Source Language and Target language

Once the language is selected just click “Next

Under 30 seconds the advertisement will be translated and recreated into different languages. No need for a translation advertising agency. Or any graphic designing skills.

With ImageTranslate advetisment translation is made easy.

ImageTranslate is a sole picture translation tool that can translate the text in the picture and it also has additional features that help you double-check the translation, or the picture and make changes as per requirement.

Here are some of the features of ImageTranslate, that help you with the translation of advertisement text.


This feature allows the user to make changes to the translated text. The user can change the size of the text, make the text bold or italic, change font style & color, change the alignment of the text, and best part edit the translation as per requirement.

Typesetting in ImageTranslate

There are no other picture translation services that let you do all this & manually doing it requires graphic designing skills, OCR, and translation. Plus then you’ll also have to create the advertisement again which requires more time.


This is a very great feature. Here ImageTranslate detects the text on the advertisement and creates a region around it. The region can be detected by clicking the ‘X’ sign on the top left corner and recreating the region by simply dragging the cursor with a left-click hold.

Regions on ImageTranslate

You can also change the size of the region by clicking the region on the bottom right corner and changing the position of the text by clicking on the top right corner and moving the region to move the text.

This feature is best for making changes in organizing the text which looks best on the advertisement graphic or photograph.

Magic eraser:

This feature allows removing any graphic from the advertisement.

Magic Eraser

Shown below are some advertisement translation examples in different languages.
ImageTranslate can have the support of 40+ languages and you can also translate multiple advertisements in one go.

You can also watch our quick video which can be used to translate advertisements instantly.

How to translate advertisement instantly

Visit: and get started with advertisement translation free.