Legal Translate: Translate Legal Documents Instantly | Legal Document Translation

You’ve come upon the right website if you want to know about the best legal translation solution. Legal documents such as contracts, and notaries are very sensitive & important documents for carrying out deals, safeguarding business from misunderstandings, and avoiding legal conflicts.

People and businesses run by them are now intertwined on a global level more now than ever in global history. Countries, Business owners now make deals and contracts with other countries and business owners located across the borders.

To understand the legal documents better, it is essential that the legal documents are translated into dialects understood by the people of the particular country with which the deal and the contract is been made with.

If you have ever tried translating contracts online before, you’d be intimate with all the mistakes the online translators make, especially if the legal document is in scanned or PDF format.

However, online translators have evolved a lot since then.‌‌With this blog, we’ll go through how to translate legal documents instantly within a few seconds.

Step 1: To start legal translation, head over to and sign up/log in

‌‌Step 2: Click on the ‘New Project’ in the dashboard and upload the document which needs to be translated.

‌‌(Note: As ImageTranslate is a picture translator tool, you’ll need the scanned legal document in picture format that is png, jpg, jpeg, etc. If the document is in PDF format then you either convert it into JPG or click screenshots or snapshots of the documents.)

‌‌Step 3: Choose the language you want to use. Firstly the source language (i.e. the language used in the legal document). Secondly the target language (i.e. that language in which legal translation is required). Once the languages are selected then hit ‘Next’

And in just under 30 seconds and 3 easy steps, the legal document will be translated into the language of your choice.

‌‌ImageTranslate is the only online translation service that translates legal documents instantly and with the highest accuracy possible with the process of Image Translation.

The best part is you don’t have to wait for legal translation for long periods of time as is the case with many legal translation services.

‌‌In the next part, we’ll take a look at, How to make modifications to a legal document translated into another language.

‌‌ImageTranslate is a sole picture translator that allows the user to double-check the translations and perform necessary changes in the notary translations.


Text Regions in ImageTranslate

By choosing the translated content, the user can resize the text by selecting the region from the bottom right corner, moving the text’s location by selecting the region from the top right corner and making it organized on the picture.‌‌The desired region can be removed by clicking ‘x’ on the top left corner of the region.


ImageTranslate TypeSetter

Typesetter allows the user to edit the translated text, and add more content if they want.‌‌The user can also choose from different fonts, text color, alignment for the text, size of the text, and also make the font bold or italic as per requirement.

Magic Eraser:

ImageTranslate Magic Eraser

This tool allows for removing any additional graphics on the legal document.

This is all there is for legal translation online with ImageTranslate. You now know how to translate legal documents instantly. The best part of using ImageTranslate is, that it preserves the originality of the legal document while the text over it is translated.

There’s no need for legal document translation services or manual translation of documents with mechanical OCR, graphics design, or illustration.

You can read more about How to translate scanned Documents with ImageTranslate in our previous blogs


If your document is in PDF format you can also translate PDF documents with ImageTranslate. Read our blog on How to translate PDF documents

Watch a quick video explaining the same. The steps for legal translations are the same.

How to translate Documents

Visit: and translate legal documents for free.